Tuesday, January 14, 2020, 3:30 pm — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
The interface between Arts and Science is wide and diverse. Art and Design covers a wide range of activities from Fine Arts to Digital Arts, from Fashion to Industrial Design, and Architecture. In this context, the disciplines of mathematics and sciences have a broad overlap with these creative practices. The science, and technology, from the knowledge of materials to software for virtual and augmented reality, are all foundations to the development of Arts and Design. In all of these areas, one of the main concerns today is the evolution of these practices in a sustainable and ecological manner. Biomaterials, Material Degradation, Software Development, and Robotics, are a few of the subjects relevant to Arts and Design. On the counter flux, Arts can bring new ways to communicate science to a large segment of the population. Art communicates a message through experiences. In this presentation, I will discuss the various interfaces between arts and science, and in particular, those that are relevant to the Pratt Institute.
Hosted by: George Redlinger
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