Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 11:00 am — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510
in heavy systems, but has also become an interesting probe in small sys- tems, having been studied by ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, PHENIX and STAR. With the recent Nature paper PHENIX published regarding v2 and v3 coe_cients consistent with hydrodynamic ow and the possibil- ity of droplets of QGP present in small system collisions, measurements on the modi_cation of Charmonium in these same small systems have become increasingly relevant. We present the results of J/ measure- ments in the dimuon decay channel for a collection of di_erent systems at the same collision energy. These small systems include: p+p, p+Al, p+Au and 3He+Au at collision energy p SNN = 200 GeV. A comparison of Charmonium modi_cation in 3He+Au and p+Au data was made to look for e_ects of the increased energy present in the _nal state for the 3He+Au case. The results are presented in the form of the observable RAB, the nuclear modi_cation factor, as a function of rapidity, central- ity and transverse momentum, then compared with di_erent theoretical model predictions. Also included in this discussion are future plans to ex- tract the nuclear modi_cation factor for the (2s), the _rst excited state of the J/ meson.
Hosted by: Jin Huang
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