Monday, February 24, 2020, 11:00 am — ISB Bldg. 734 Conf. Rm. 201 (upstairs)
In this talk I am going to touch two interesting strongly-correlated problems: Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) in metals and Spin fermion (SF) model. RIXS is a very promising technique for studying collective excitations in condensed matter systems. However, extraction of information from the RIXS signal is a difficult task and the standard approach to solution of RIXS problem is based on approximations that are inaccurate in metals (short-range/contact potentials and non-interacting Fermi-sea). Simultaneously, the SF model has a wide range of applications in the physics of cuprates and iron-based superconductors. However, all developments and applications of the SF model are also based on various, often uncontrollable, approximations. In my talk I am going to address both problems within the general "field-theoretical approach to strongly-correlated problems" framework. In the first part I will consider the RIXS in metals problem within a diagrammatic approach that fully respects the long-range Coulomb nature of interactions between all charged particles. In particular, I will demonstrate how the single-plasmon dispersion can be extracted from the multi-excitation RIXS spectra. In the remaining time I will briefly discuss how to deal with the SF model in the approximation-free manner by employing the Diagrammatic Monte Carlo technique, combining the advantages of Feynman diagrammatic techniques and Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. I will also show what one can get in the first skeleton order – in the widely used in materials science GW approximation.
Hosted by: Alexei Tsvelik
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