Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 2:30 pm — Webcast
Hints of new physics are encoded as higher-dimension operators in effective field theory. The couplings of these operators, "dial settings" in the low-energy laws of physics, can be bounded using methods independent of the ultraviolet completion, relying only on principles like causality, unitarity of quantum mechanics, and properties of scattering amplitudes. In this talk, I will show how such infrared consistency techniques can be used to constrain operators in the EFT of the standard model. For quartic bosonic and fermionic operators at mass dimension 8, I will construct the bounds and discuss phenomenological consequences. These constraints give compelling near-term experimental implications for CP and flavor violation as well as collider physics, and provide us with powerful means to test the tenets of quantum field theory itself.
Hosted by: Peter Denton
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