CFNS seminar

"Diffractive dijet photoproduction at the EIC"

Presented by Vadim Guzey, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI)

Thursday, July 2, 2020, 4:00 pm —

We will present a detailed study of diffractive dijet photoproduction at
the recently approved electron-ion collider (EIC) at BNL. Apart from
establishing the kinematic reaches for various energies and kinematic
cuts, we make precise predictions at next-to-leading order (NLO) of QCD in the most important kinematic variables. We show that the EIC will provide new and more precise information on the diffractive parton density functions (PDFs) in the pomeron than previously obtained at HERA, illuminate the still disputed mechanism of global vs. only resolved-photon factorization breaking, and provide access to diffractive PDFs.

Hosted by: Jinlong Zhang

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