Friday, October 9, 2020, 9:00 am —
With the future electron-ion collider data estimated to arrive in a decade, the need for
theoretical and phenomenological tools to understand deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events
has never been more urgent. In this seminar I will discuss early steps towards this direction.
Specifically, I will focus on the adaptation to DIS of:
i) the modified MassDrop Tagger grooming algorithm (mMDT)
ii) and energy-energy correlation (EEC) event shape.
Our adaptation relies on the geometrical separation of initial and final state radiation in the
Breit frame, where I will establish the definitions of the proposed observables. The novel
grooming procedure, although similar to mMDT, employs the Centauro measure used
in the novel jet algorithm tailored to the needs of DIS. The groomed 1-jettiness will also
be discussed.
Hosted by: Yacine Mehtar-Tani
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