Environmental & Climate Sciences Department Seminar

"Cloud-turbulence interactions from a laboratory scale to cumulus entrainment: theoretical, experimental, and modeling perspectives"

Presented by Kamal Kant Chandrakar, NCAR

Thursday, January 7, 2021, 11:00 am — Blue Jeans

Clouds are one of the wildcards in weather and climate studies. Their macroscopic properties and processes intimately depend on small-scale cloud properties, such as the cloud droplet size distribution (DSD), which in turn are directly coupled to the turbulent flow field. The first part of this talk will focus on the experimental evaluation of theoretical DSD shapes using the Pi cloud chamber measurements. In the second part, a modeling study of the influence of turbulent entrainment and secondary activation on cumulus cloud properties will be discussed. The "super-droplet method'' is implemented in the CM1 LES framework for this investigation.

Hosted by: Fan Yang

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