Thursday, April 1, 2021, 11:00 am — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will likely require removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, for example with managed alterations to land cover including reforestation and crop diversification. These so-called "natural climate solutions" (NCS) have growing private and public sector support, despite being characterized by substantial biophysical uncertainty. This talk addresses the potential for NCS to directly alter local temperature regimes, using new approaches to disentangle interactions between land cover, surface temperature, and air temperature dynamics.
I will show that, in the Eastern US, biophysical impacts of reforestation confer a substantial climate adaptation benefit and play a role in explaining historic patterns of air temperature change. Opportunities to extend these approaches to other NCS, including cover crops, will be presented. I will end by discussing strategies to overcome key knowledge gaps hindering our ability to forecast NCS mitigation and adaptation potentials into the future.
Zoom Link:
Hosted by: Shawn Serbin
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