CFN Virtual Colloquium

"Probing Materials Functionalities; Opportunities for Advanced In Situ Electron Imaging and Spectroscopy"

Presented by Peter Crozier, Arizona State University: School for the Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy

Thursday, November 5, 2020, 4:00 pm —

The demand for developing new energy technologies continues to push characterization tools, to tackle the high level of complexity found in active materials for energy conversion processes. The frontiers of basic energy research require new generations of instrumentation to understand complex materials and chemical systems, energy systems in realistic working environments, and systems that are dynamic, far from equilibrium, and extremely heterogeneous. Advanced imaging and spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope offers unprecedented opportunities to interrogate structure and charge transfer functionalities in energy materials based on thermochemical, photochemical and electrochemical processes. To understand functionality, it is important to characterize these systems under real world conditions i.e. in situ and operando. The enormous advances in electron optics has pushed spatial resolutions below 1 Å for imaging and 1 – 2 Å for spectroscopy. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy has also undergone a revolution with energy resolution

Peter A. Crozier is a professor of materials and is chair of the Materials Graduate Program at Arizona State University. He develops and applies advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques to problems related to energy and the environment with special emphasis on electroceramics and catalytic materials. He has published extensively on in situ electron microscopy and is a recognized international leader in developing and applying the technique of aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy to problems in catalytic materials and oxide electrolytes. He also pioneered the application monochromated electron energy-loss spectroscopy to determine the optical and vibrational properties of materials. He is a member of the American Ceramics Society, Microscopy Society of America, Materials Research Society, the North American Catalysis Society and is a Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America. He is currently President of the Microscopy Society of America.

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Hosted by: Dmitri Zakharov

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