Friday, December 4, 2020, 12:00 pm — ZoomGov
In frustrated magnets, seemingly simple competition between spin interactions can create theoretically infinite complexity. The Axial Next-Nearest Neighbor Ising (ANNNI) model is a classic model of frustration in which frustration occurs between nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic (FM) interactions and next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions along chains of Ising spins. When cooled below the Neel temperature, the system passes through a theoretically infinite number of 1st order phase boundaries, referred to as the "Devil's staircase" or "Devil's flower". In this talk, we will discuss experiments performed at CSX (23-ID-1) using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) to test the dynamic behavior of these Devil's Staircase systems and demonstrate how this technique is broadly useful to study the peculiar dynamics of frustrated antiferromagnets. In particular, the results and model support a counterintuitive result: with decreasing temperature, the dynamics become faster.
Hosted by: Ignace Jarrige
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