Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 3:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract: Poised to continue the legacy of Brookhaven's g-2 experiment, Muon g-2 will make a new, high-precision measurement of the muon magnetic anomaly at Fermilab. One of the key hardware upgrades made through the transition included a redesign of the kicker subsystem. Using a trio of magnets, the non-ferric kickers steer the incoming beam onto trajectories needed to facilitate muon storage in the ring. During the initial commissioning of the experiment, we discovered several shortcomings that required an overhaul of the kicker's electrical components. I will present the kicker design, the needs revealed during the first data-taking period, our upgrade strategy, the subsequent characterization and instrumentation efforts, and some of the impacts of kicker performance on the anomaly measurement.
Hosted by: Elizabeth Brost
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