Thursday, February 18, 2021, 3:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract: Two of the most pressing questions in particle physics are the nature of the dark matter in the universe and understanding neutrinos - overall and as an explanation for our matter dominated universe. In each case, there are long standing anomalies which must be addressed for the fields to progress to new discoveries. DAMA's claim of a dark matter-induced annual modulation signal is being addressed by the COSINE-100 experiment, a direct detection dark matter detector with the same sodium iodide detectors as DAMA. The short baseline anomaly which includes MiniBooNE's LEE result, is being addressed by the MicroBooNE single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber. MicroBooNE also serves as a critical step in the path towards DUNE through its physics measurements, and detector and physics R&D. I will discuss recent results from COSINE-100 and the MicroBooNE experiment in these efforts.
Hosted by: Elizabeth Brost
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