RBRC Seminar

"The Neutron Skin of Pb-208 and the Structure of Neutron Stars"

Presented by Mr Brendan Reed, Indiana University

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 9:00 am — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)

Abstract: The heavy neutron-rich nucleus of Pb-208 has a large neutron-rich skin. Recently, the PREX collaboration announced a very precise measurement of this skin using parity violating electron scattering. This measurement constrains the properties of neutron rich matter and the equation of state of dense matter. In this talk, I compare the measurement of the neutron skin to the properties of neutron stars. This includes a comparison of the LIGO/VIRGO observations of a binary neutron star merger and to the NICER X-ray telescope's observations of the radius of a neutron star.

Hosted by: Jan Bernauer

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