Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 3:30 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract:The high-energy physics (HEP) research in the post-LHC era relies on a next circular collider. The energy of a circular collider is limited by the strength of the bending dipoles, and its luminosity by the strength of the final focus quadrupoles. These considerations explain the continuous interest of the HEP and accelerator communities to stronger superconducting (SC) accelerator magnets. The ultimate field of SC magnets at given operation temperature is limited by the upper critical field Bc2 and critical current density Jc of the superconductor. The maximum field of the Nb-Ti magnets used in present high-energy machines, including the LHC, is limited by 10 T at 1.9 K. The fields above 10 T are now possible thanks to the recent progress with the Nb3Sn composite wires and the associated magnet technologies. It was shown that Nb3Sn magnets can operate at fields up to 15 T. To move beyond 15 T requires high-field high-temperature superconductors (HTS), such as BSCCO and REBCO. Operation above 15 T also put additional requirements to magnet designs, technologies and performance. Due to the substantially higher HTS cost and lower Jc at low magnetic fields, a hybrid approach is a cost-effective option for the high-field magnets. This presentation describes the status and main results of the practical superconductors and high-field accelerator magnets, and discusses the design, technology, and performance issues beyond 15 T.
Hosted by: George Redlinger
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