Thursday, May 13, 2021, 3:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract: Since the discovery of the muon, the lack of understanding of particle flavors or generations is one of the most intriguing and persistent problems in particle physics. Many hypotheses which extend the Standard Model suggest that non-universal interactions could occur and be due to effects at high mass scales, possibly exceeding 1000 TeV. Sensitive and precise experiments have been performed seeking effects which might provide clues to understanding why there are exactly three replicas of each type of fundamental particle. Some hints of anomalous effects have been reported in third generation studies and in CKM unitarity. Experiments probing the validity of universality in decays of first and second generation particles, including ideas for new experiments on rare pion decays π→eν and pion beta decay will be discussed.
Hosted by: Hanyu Wei
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