Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 1:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract: Obtaining a complete description of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) droplets created
in collisions between large nuclei requires a clear picture of how partons emerging from hard
scattering events interact with and traverse the plasma. Large heavy ion collision datasets
following run 2 at the LHC are enabling such measurements in previously difficult-to-reach
kinematic regimes, particularly with rare electroweak probes. New measurements by ATLAS of
Z boson-hadron correlations in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions will be presented and
discussed. The Z boson is colorless to the QGP, offering the unique benefit of controlling for
the parton properties prior to any final state energy loss. Extending this technique to small
collision systems such as proton-lead, or to possible novel systems in run 3, could provide
additional constraints on final state effects in small collision systems, as well as new
information on initial state modification. In the future, the sPHENIX detector at RHIC will be
able to perform similar photon-tagged measurements at lower energies, providing powerful
constraints on the thermodynamics of hot nuclear matter.
Hosted by: Peter Steinberg
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