Thursday, February 24, 2022, 3:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Abstract: Over the next years, measurements at the LHC and the HL-LHC will provide us with a wealth of data. The best hope of answering fundamental questions like the nature of dark matter, is to adopt big data techniques for precision simulations and optimized analyses to extract all relevant information.
LHC physics relies at a fundamental level on our ability to simulate events efficiently from first principles. In the coming LHC runs, these simulations will face unprecedented precision requirements to match the experimental accuracy. Generative models have become a central tool to overcome limitations from high precision in event generation and high dimensionality of detector simulations. Such networks can be employed within established simulation tools, as part of a simulation frameworks, or to compress measured data. Recent studies have demonstrated that generative networks can perform high-precision simulations while maintaining control over training stability and associated uncertainties. Since generative networks in the form of normalizing flows can
be inverted, they also open new avenues in LHC analyses.
Hosted by: Tobias Neumann
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