Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 10:30 am — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)
Instrumentation is the design, provision, or use of measuring instruments. In the context of new physics searches, this typically means the design and construction of new physics detectors, with the aim of making new fundamental discoveries about our universe. This instrumentation can be exciting and groundbreaking, and with the ever increasing size of modern experiments, fit to be printed on the cover of science magazines. But when it comes to these modern experiments, there is a lot more instrumentation that goes on than meets the eye. This "secondary instrumentation", while not a part of the main detector, can have just as much impact on the success of the experiment as the more visible primary instrumentation. In this talk, I will highlight 3 specific examples where secondary instrumentation was used to help a search for new physics achieve its science goals.
Hosted by: Angelo Di Canto
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