Thursday, May 4, 2023, 12:30 pm — Hybrid: Bldg. 510, Room 2-160
Abstract: We present results of nucleon structure studies measured in 2+1 flavor QCD with the physical light quarks in a large spatial extent of about 10 fm. Our calculations are carried out with the PACS10 gauge configurations generated by the PACS Collaboration with the stout-smeared O(a) improved Wilson fermions and Iwasaki gauge action at beta=1.82 and 2.00 corresponding to the lattice spacings of 0.085 fm (coarser) and 0.063 fm (finer) respectively. At both lattice spacings, we evaluate nucleon form factors associated with lepton-nucleon elastic scattering measurements. In this seminar, we will mainly report our preliminary results of the Root-Mean-Square radii and the discretization effects on them. In addition, the examination of the excited- states contaminations based on PCAC relation will be discussed using our data.
Work in collaboration with:
Yasumichi Aoki (RIKEN R-CCS), Ken-Ichi Ishikawa (Hiroshima U.), Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Ysukuba U.), Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku U.), Eigo Shintani (Tsukuba U.), Takeshi Yamazaki (Tsukuba U.) for PACS Collaboration
Hosted by: Nobuyuki Matsumoto
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