Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS) Activity

"Understanding Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance"

Andrea Dessen, IBS, France

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 11:00 am — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)

The world has recently lived through a major viral pandemic, but viruses are not the only microorganisms that can create havoc. Bacterial pandemics have caused millions of deaths worldwide, and the spread of antibiotic resistant strains is nowadays a crisis of major proportions. My group aims at understanding the Achilles' heel of bacteria: their cell wall formation process, and how it is targeted by beta-lactam antibiotics. Understanding these mechanisms in atomic detail could lead to the development of innovative treatments that can overcome resistance. In this talk I will explore this fascinating and timely subject, and highlight aspects of my career that have led me to work in science in four very different countries.

Hosted by: Vivian Stojanoff

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