National Synchrotron Light Source Symposium

"Empirical Results for Cooperative Robot Navigation Using Interrobot Displacement Measurements"

Presented by Richard Fauconier, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 10:00 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

This paper presents a new version of the cooperative navigation system (CNS) algorithm, which reduces the growth of dead-reckoning errors for formations of multiple mobile autonomous robots in the absence of landmarks. By using continuous inter-robot displacement measurements (IDMs) among a group of N robots, the individual mean-square position errors can be reduced, at all time instants, to 1/N of what they would normally be. Real-world, real time experimental results for a pair of robots equipped with a laser rangefinder are given. Simulation results for multiple robots are also given, along with the observability properties of such groups of robots when all are mobile, or when some are stationary. The results show that, as the frequency and accuracy of the IDMs increase, the error-reductions closely approximate the ideal 1/N lower bound.

Hosted by: Vivian Stojanoff

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