Biology Department Seminar

"Site-Specific Selenium Derivatization of DNAs and RNAs for Nucleic Acid X-Ray Crystallography"

Presented by Zhen Huang, Georgia State University

Friday, November 18, 2005, 11:00 am — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

X-ray crystallography is a powerful tool for structure determination of RNA structure, RNA-protein and DNA-protein complexes with high resolution. Derivatization with heavy atoms for phase determination, a long-standing problem in X-ray crystallography, however, has largely slowed down structural determination of nucleic acids with novel folds.
We have developed a novel strategy to derivatize RNA and DNA by replacing oxygen with selenium, and this principle has been demonstrated by X-ray crystallography using MAD phasing method. This novel strategy will significantly facilitate Nucleic Acid X-ray Crystallography and study of nucleic acid-protein complexes.

Hosted by: Huilin Li

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