Chemistry Department Seminar

"Radiochemical Solar Neutrino Experiments"

Presented by Dr. Vladimir Gavrin, Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Russia

Friday, June 23, 2006, 11:00 am — Hamilton Seminar Room, Bldg. 555

Dr. Vladimir Gavrin has been Director for many years at SAGE, the Soviet-American Gallium (Solar Neutrino) Experiment that is sited in the Baksan (underground) Neutrino Observatory in the Caucasus region of Russia. Both SAGE and GALLEX experiment were designed to use gallium-containing targets to detect the lowest energy neutrinos produced in the sun, in the first step of the pp nuclear-fusion process. Dr. Gavrin will present recent results from SAGE, including neutrino calibration data obtained with a very intense radioactive source of 37Ar.

During his talk, he will also include personal reminiscences of his interactions over the years with BNL's Ray Davis and with John Bahcall. Anyone wanting to talk with Dr. Gavrin on June 23 should set up an appointment by contacting the Chemistry Department Office, ext 4301, or Richard Hahn or Minfang Yeh.

Hosted by: Minfang Yeh

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