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"Technologies for Comprehensive Protein Production"

Presented by Frank Collart, Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory

Thursday, September 28, 2006, 4:00 pm — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

Progress in genome sequencing has accentuated the importance of high throughput proteomic strategies for identification of cellular function. Many proteomic technologies such as functional screens, structure determination or interaction mapping use purified proteins as a starting point. Although, recent advances in expression technology have significantly increased our capability for the expression of microbial proteins, a significant fraction of the most interesting proteins encoded by the genome still cannot be expressed in an experimentally usable form. We have developed novel cellular and cell-free technologies to optimize the expression of proteins and protein domains from prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and define the limits of current expression strategies. One aspect of this program is the application of a systemic domain expression strategy for several thousand targets from the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics. This domain extension strategy made a major contribution to improved solubility outcome for the full-length protein and domain target groups. Additional examples of strategies to improve solubility outcome will be provided for other categories from prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.

Hosted by: Carl Anderson

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