Biology Department Seminar

"Rational Design of Metal Binding Proteins and Proteinase Sensors for Molecular Imaging"

Presented by Jenny Yang, Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University

Friday, November 17, 2006, 11:00 am — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

We have developed several computer algorithms to identify and design calcium binding sites in proteins. An array of Ca2+-binding sites with varying Ca2+-binding affinities have been created in several non-Ca2+-binding proteins with desired metal selectivity and conformational properties. In addition, we have investigated the metal-binding capacity and biological function of several predicted Ca2+-binding sites in several classes of proteins such as receptors, and bacterial and viral proteases. Further, we have developed several fluorescent sensors for real time cell imaging of calcium signaling and protease actions. Furthermore, a new class of MRI contrast agents with high relaxivity and targeting capability has been developed to understand cancer and other disease processes via molecular imaging.

Hosted by: Huilin Li

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