National Synchrotron Light Source Seminar

"Fermilab Booster Improvements"

Presented by Xi Yang, Fermilab

Thursday, June 7, 2007, 10:30 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

In order to reduce the beam loss at injection, the emittance growth at transition, and the momentum spread at extraction, a 3-D model was built for the FermiLab Booster, which includes operational conditions, such as Radial feedback, Quad Damper, Longitudinal and Transverse Space Charge Effect and Longitudinal Impedance Effect. After we've successfully bench marked the model against the experiment, simulation results are applied to Booster operations: at transition, the space charge induced mismatch is reduced ~50% via Feed Forward Radial Motion; at extraction, the momentum-spread reduction is optimized to reduce the loss ~2-3% during Slip Stacking injection in the Main Injector.

Hosted by: Boris Podobedov

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