Biology Department Seminar

"Man-Made Nanosystems with Nature Developed Components"

Presented by Oleg Gang, BNL Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Friday, December 7, 2007, 11:00 am — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

An incorporation of biomolecules in the nano-object design allows for establishing recognizable interactions between the components of nanosystems, the property previously intrinsic only to bio-matter. Utilization of this approach is appealing for development of novel strategies for the assembly of complex nanosystems, metamaterials and nano-medical applications. Nevertheless, little is known about a behavior of biomolecules in unusual geometries, cooperative phenomena related to biomolecular “crowding” on particles, and interplay of diverse interactions in these hybrid systems. The presented work explores how DNA and proteins can be engaged in particle’s addressable interactions and what effect they have on the kinetics and morphology of the biomimetic self-assembled structures. The design principles and experimental illustrations of meso- and nano- hybrid systems will be discussed.

Hosted by: Paul Freimuth

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