C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar

"Development of FFAG Ring for Muon Phase-Space Rotation"

Presented by Dr. Yasushi Arimoto, Osaka University, Japan

Monday, March 3, 2008, 4:45 pm — Large Conference Room, Bldg. 911B

PRISM is a project aiming at searching for muon to electron conversion process beyond the Standard Model. This experiment requires narrow energy spread (+ - 2~3%) of muon beam. Such energy spread is achieved with phase-space (bunch) rotation of pulsed muon beam which is produced from intense-pulsed-proton beam. In PRISM, an FFAG (Fixed Field Alternating Gradient) ring is adopted as a phase rotation ring. The FFAG ring (PRISM-FFAG ring) requires specific features such as a large transverse (20,000 pi mm mrad x 3000 pi mm mrad ) and longitudinal (+ - 20 % @ 68 MeV/c) acceptance and rapid phase rotation (a few micro seconds). For this purpose, a large aperture FFAG magnet, and high gradient RF cavity has been developed. A test PRISM-FFAG ring has been constructed to perform the phase rotation. To do this, we use alpha particles emitted from radioactive isotope, 241Am as beam. Here, design of PRISM-FFAG ring, R&D of components, commissioning status of the test ring, and future prospect will be presented.

Hosted by: Coordinator: Guillaume Robert-Demolaize

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