NSLS-II Seminar

"Dynamic Effects of Elliptically Polarized Undulators"

Presented by Christoph Steier, ALS/LBL

Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 11:00 am — NSLS-II Seminar Room, Bldg. 817

Insertion devices can have a major effect on the beam dynamics and
therefore the injection efficiency and beam lifetime in synchrotron
light sources. This is especially true for low and intermediate energy
storage rings. Particularly Elliptically Polarizing Undulators (EPUs)
which in the last years have been very popular because they provide full
photon polarization control to users can have big detrimental effects on
the nonlinear single particle dynamics. This is due to the fast,
intrinsic transverse roll-off of the magnetic field. The roll-off is
especially fast for vertical polarization settings, and particularly low
and medium energy light sources and long period EPUs are prone to those
effects. The talk will describe different simulation methods to evaluate
the effects, several experimental techniques to characterize them and
correction methods now routinely used at several like sources (BESSY,

Hosted by: Samuel Krinsky

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