National Synchrotron Light Source II Seminar

"Challenges and progress in materials physics and nanopatterning of hard X-ray nanofocusing optics"

Presented by Abdel Isakovic, BNL

Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 2:00 pm — NSLS-II Seminar Room, Bldg. 817

This talk will offer a brief review of some materials and techniques that are considered for hard X-ray nanofocusing optics, and specifically, I will show advantages of diamond over silicon in hard X-ray kinoform refractive optics. The testing of the focal spot size shows the result of 26-29 nm for compound kinoform refractive silicon optics and 1-2 microns spot size for single diamond lens. Local (CFN) capabilities for future nanopatterning of multilayer Laue lenses, zone plates, and kinoform optics will be presented with the focus on plasma processing (ICP RIE) and with some suggestions for future facility upgrades. Lastly, I will briefly present some other X-ray optics elements that, together with our lenses, make a definitive step towards creation of the full X-ray optics bench, specifically, an X-ray prism array and an example of Fabry-Perot X-ray resonator.

Hosted by: Ray Conley

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