"Soft x-ray linear dichroism - the route from spectra to images: a STXM liquid crystal study"

Presented by Konstanine Kaznatcheev

Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 10:00 am — NSLS-II Seminar Room, Bldg. 817

Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) combines excellent orientation selectivity via linear dichroic Near Edge X-ray
Absorption Spectra (NEXAFS), and high spatial resolution, limited at present by x-ray optics manufacturing to ~15 nm. Samples are
not limited to highly ordered crystals and films, but can be non-crystalline, inhomogeneous and partially oriented specimens, such
as liquid crystals (LC). The presentation will include general introduction to STXM technique, data analysis methods to generate
"molecular orientation maps" and results of STXM investigations of (a) binary mixture forming a SmAb phase [1], (b) lyotropic
chromonic liquid crystals [2], and (c) the role of surfactant and ion additives on LC texture. These experiments suggest that the
LC director can be reconstructed with ~5% (magnitude) and ~5 degrees (orientation) accuracy at 100 nm scale in 3-D and position
STXM as ultimate technique to probe molecular orientation in soft matter. Future prospects in conjunction with NSLSII construction
will be given.

Hosted by: Qun Shen

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