National Synchrotron Light Source Seminar

"Some Aspects of the Low Energy Excitations in High-Tc Cuprates via ARPES"

Presented by Wei-Sheng Lee, Stanford University

Monday, September 14, 2009, 11:00 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy has revealed several energy scales in the low energy excitations of high-Tc cuprates. In this presentation, I will discuss two important features in this hierarchy from my thesis work. Starting from the lowest energy, I will first discuss energy gap issues in high-Tc cuprates, specifically, our temperature dependence and doping dependence studies on the two-gap phenomena (superconducting gap vs. pseudogap). Moving to the higher energy scale, a “kink” in the dispersion near the nodal region is observed around 70 meV, and I will discuss materials dependence on this band renormalization effect based on our recent ARPES measurements on Tl-family cuprates. We have found a distinct evolution of this dispersion kink from nodal toward antinodal region between single-layer and multi-layer compounds, giving us a further hint about the origin of the renormalization effect. Finally, if time permits, I will briefly introduce our proposed time resolved x-ray scattering experiment using the x-ray free electron laser, the LCLS at SLAC.

Hosted by: Yong Cai / Chi-Chang Kao

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