Brookhaven Lecture

"456th Brookhaven Lecture: 'Getting More From Less: Correlated Single-Crystal Spectroscopy and X-ray Crystallography at the NSLS'"

Presented by Allen Orville, Ph.D., Biology Department, BNL

Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 4:00 pm — Berkner Hall Auditorium

<p>By integrating different techniques to collect complementary data at beam line X26C of the National Syncrotron Light Source (NSLS), Allen Orville and his colleagues of the Macromolecular Crystallography Research Resource are providing new insights into the structures of macromolecules.</p> <p>During the 456th Brookhaven Lecture, on Wednesday, April 21st, Orville will describe his approach and his findings in a talk entitled "Getting More From Less: Correlated Singe-Crystal Spectroscopy and X-Ray Crystallography at the NSLS," beginning at 4 p.m. in Berkner Hall. Refreshments will be offered before and after the lecture.</p> <p>During his talk, Orville will discuss his field of protein crystallography, reviewing its landmark discoveries and explaining new ways of using the NSLS and, in the future, the NSLS-II, to build on those discoveries.</p> <p>Allen Orville took his Ph.D. in biology from the University of Minnesota in 1997. After completing a postdoc with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Oregon, 1997-2000, he began an assistant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Orville joined BNL's Biology Department in 2006 as an associate biophysicist and was promoted to biophysicist in 2008.</p> <p> To join the lecturer for dinner at an off-site restaurant following his talk, please contact Kathy Folkers, or Ext. 3415.</p>

Hosted by: Stephen Musolino

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