Biology Department Seminar

"Utilization of Endophytic Microbes to Facilitate Low-Input Agriculture"

Presented by Kelly Craven, Plant Biology Division, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK

Friday, December 17, 2010, 11:00 am — Medical - Bldg. 490 Small Conference Room

Future agriculture must be based upon continued gains in yield with a concomitant reduction in agronomic inputs. This is a daunting task that will require a multi-faceted approach. Endophytic microbes live in symbiosis with all plants and enhance various attributes of plant fitness. While some, such as rhizobia and mycorrhizae, have been well studied, the large majority remain unknown and unutilized. Our goal is to develop switchgrass, an important bioenergy crop, as a model for low-input agriculture through the incorporation of endophytic microbes. As a first step, we have characterized the microbial endophyte communities of switchgrass plants collected from their native habitat.

Hosted by: Niels van der Lelie

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