NSLS-II Seminar

"First Light at I13: News about the Imaging and Coherence Beamline at Diamond"

Presented by Christoph Rau, Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom

Monday, January 10, 2011, 10:30 am — Large Seminar Room, Bldg. 703

The coherence and imaging beamline I13L is dedicated to hard X-ray microscopy either in direct or reciprocal space. For both, lens and lensless imaging, two inde-pendent stations will be operated at a distance of 250m from the source. The coherence length can be adjusted over a large range by a modification of the electron beam in the storage ring and slits in the fron-end. The imaging branch will perform In-line phase contrast imaging and tomography over a large field of view in the 6-30keV energy range. In addition it will be possible to switch to full-field microscopy with 50nm spatial resolution. Projection microscopy will be developed, as it is dose efficient and therefore particular suitable for radiation sensitive samples.
Resolution beyond the limitations given by the detector and X-ray optics may be achieved with techniques working in the far field. For crystalline samples Coherent X-Ray Diffraction allows not only to reconstruct the shape of nano-crystals but also to provide 3D information about parameters such as internal stress. Other Coherent Diffraction Imaging techniques such as ptychography will be also implemented on the same 'coherence branch'.
The electron optics have been modified in August 2010 and the new operation of the storage ring has been successfully implemented in user operation mode. We recently took a first image of a test pattern, the stations will be operational from October 2011.

The Diamond Beamline I13L for Imaging and Coherence, C. Rau, U. Wagner, A. Peach, I. K. Robinson, B. Singh, G.Wilkin, C. Jones, SRI 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1234, pp. 121-126, (2010).
Double Mini-Beta y plus Virtu7al Focusing Optics for Diamond Storage Ring, B. Singh, R. Bartolini, R. Fielder, E.C. Longhi, I.P. Martin, U.H. Wagner, C. Rau, PAC09 proceeding.

Hosted by: Yong Chu

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