Biology Department Seminar

"From Small Molecules to Integrins: My Journey and Their Interactions"

Presented by Vijay Thiruvenkatam, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Thursday, March 31, 2011, 11:00 am — John Dunn Seminar Room, Bldg. 463

Several small molecules (mainly organic molecules) have been studied for their intermolecular interactions to draw meaningful interference from the analysis of structural features and their supramolecular crystal packing. Understanding the interactions of small molecules with the receptor site in macromolecules is an input towards better crystallization, conformational changes, and activity studies. These interactions have very high potential in drug discovery. The studies of interactions have made a huge impact to shift my passion of crystallography towards macromolecules. We have explored the intermolecular interactions to find a higher affinity structure to understand their molecular mechanism. My journey from small molecules to macromolecules as well as current studies on integrin proteins will also be discussed during the talk.

Hosted by: Alexei Soares

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