Nuclear Physics & RIKEN Theory Seminar

"Quark matter conductivity in strong magnetic field"

Presented by Boris Kerbikov, ITEP, Moscow, Russia

Friday, April 29, 2011, 2:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

Recently it was realized that heavy-ion collisions generate a gigantic magnetic field.It has been argued that the relaxation time of this field crucially depends on electrical conductivity of quark matter.A related quantity,namely chiral conductivity,plays the central role in Chiral Magnetic Effect. Using ideas and methods developed in condensed matter physics we derive equations for quantum conductivity in three and two dimensions( d=2 corresponds to Lorentz contracted ions) with magnetic field varying from zero to maximal RHIC values. We believe that the results remain true beyond the simple model used in their derivation.

Hosted by: G. Beuf

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