National Synchrotron Light Source Seminar

"Angle‐resolved photoemission using photons from several eV to several keV"

Presented by Lukasz Plucinski, Peter Gruenberg Institute PGI‐6, Forschungszentrum Juelich

Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 9:30 am — Seminar Room, Bldg. 725

I will present an overview of recent angle‐resolved photoemission (ARPES) studies performed using
monochromatized laboratory sources (Xe hv = 8.44 eV and Kr hv = 10.06 eV), non‐monochromatized HeI
(hv = 21.22 eV), synchrotron soft x‐ray (20 eV – 1keV, with added spin‐resolved capability), laboratory
MgKa (1.26 eV), and synchrotron hard x‐ray (3‐6 keV) radiation. These techniques have been recently
applied to several important material systems including W and GaAs single crystals [1, 2], thin films of
the topological insulator Bi2Te3 grown on Si(111) [3], LSMO/STO multilayers [4], and thin films of Fe
grown on Au(001) and W(001) [5].
Figure 1: High resolution ARPES results from 20 nm thick Bi2Te3/Si(111) films at 15K with HeI hv=21.22 eV radiation [3].
In addition, I will discuss the details and planned upgrades of several photoemission systems which we
operate at PGI-6, including a laboratory-based one with extremely low energies using Kr, Xe, Ar, and He
radiation [6], and another one, with added spin-polarized capability, based at a soft x-ray synchrotron
beamline of DELTA/Dortmund [7].

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