Nuclear Physics & RIKEN Theory Seminar

"QCD phase diagram: universality and continuity"

Presented by Naoki Yamamoto, University of Washington

Friday, December 2, 2011, 2:00 pm — Small Seminar Room, Bldg. 510

We discuss the phase diagrams of QCD and QCD-like theories from the viewpoint of the large-Nc universality and the quark-hadron continuity. We first show that the whole or the part of the phase diagrams are universal between QCD and QCD-like theories based on the exact large-Nc equivalence. We then see that all the QCD-like theories and QCD with three-flavor and three-color exhibit a quark-hadron continuity at low temperature and finite density. From our universality and QCD inequalities, we derive some rigorous results on the chiral phase transition at large Nc. We also comment on the implications of our results for the recent (and future) lattice QCD simulations.

Hosted by: Rob Pisarski

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