Center for Functional Nanomaterials Seminar

"Photocleavage Controlled DNA Switches and Nanochemistry for Noobs"

Presented by Philip Lukeman, St. John's University

Monday, February 13, 2012, 11:00 am — Bldg 735 - Conf Rm B

DNA-based switches are currently operated by manual, solution-phase addition of ‘set-strands’. I will describe another operation method - sterically inaccessible ‘set-strands’, released from a surface into solution by spatially controlled photocleavage, that operates both stochiometric and catalytic set-strand controlled systems. This technique will enable microarrays of set-strands to
operate many DNA-based switches in computational and diagnostic devices. DNA Nanotechnology research is currently conducted in labs across the globe, primarily
by Graduate students and Postdoctoral researchers. This seminar will also outline how we design small-scale but real research projects to act as meaningful training of Undergraduate and High-School students.

Hosted by: Oleg Gang

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