National Synchrotron Light Source Seminar

"The magnetic and chemical structural property of the epitaxially-grown multilayered thin film"

Presented by Hwachol Lee, Department of Physics, MINT Center, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA

Friday, March 9, 2012, 10:00 am — Conference Room A, Bldg. 725

The magnetic materials such as L10 FePt and B2 FeRh have been of great concern and studied intensively due to the high magnetocrystalline anisotropy and magnetic phase transition property. Modification of the magnetic material property by 3rd element provides more potential and flexibility in search of the novel phenomena, or in the future application. In this work, the epitaxially-grown Rh-doped FePt and Pd-doped FeRh multilayered thin films are studied for the structural and magnetic properties. For FePtRh, the compositionally-modulated L10 FePtRh superlattice structure shows the well-defined interface between layers and magnetic structure in spite of the compositional, structural similarity and high growth temperature. For Pd-doped FeRh, the magnetically and structurally correlated features are revealed in the Fe46Rh48Pd6 epitaxial thin films prepared in the 111-orientational growth mode. Additionally, the property of Rh seed layer on sapphire will be discussed.

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