Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 4:00 pm — Berkner Hall Auditorium
John Smedley of the Instrumentation Division will give the 482nd Brookhaven Lecture, titled, "Diamond, An X-ray's Best Friend," on Wednesday, December 19, at 4 p.m. in Berkner Hall. More information about this talk is available in the Monday Memo of December 17: To join Smedley for dinner at a restaurant off-site after the talk, contact Donna Grabowski (, Ext. 2720). About the Speaker Smedley earned a Ph.D. in accelerator physics from Stony Brook University in 2001 and a bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics from Johns Hopkins University in 1994. A member of Brookhaven Lab's Instrumentation Division, Smedley first arrived at the Lab in 1993 as a summer student. He officially joined the Brookhaven as an assistant physicist in 2004, and was promoted to the title associate physicist in 2006 and then physicist in 2009.
Hosted by: Allen Orville
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