Environmental Sciences Department Seminar

"DISCOVER-AQ and the uses of remote sensing in air quality and climate studies"

Presented by Russell Dickerson, University of Maryland

Thursday, May 16, 2013, 11:00 am — Conference Room, Bldg 815E

In July 2011, NASA conducted the DISCOVER-AQ campaign over Maryland. Several aircraft and a ship were deployed with the goal of bridging the gap between space-based observations and surface concentrations. Along the way, substantial insight was gained into the chemistry, physics, and meteorology of smog events over the eastern US. This talk will summarize these findings and discuss broader uses of existing instruments such as OMI (SO2, NO2) and MOPITT (CO) and plans for the Geostationary Infrared Pollution Sounder, GRIPS, for trace gases and aerosols.

Hosted by: Stephen Schwartz

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