Environmental Sciences Department Seminar

"Fast physics testbed: development, demo, and applications"

Presented by Wuyin Lin, Environmental Sciences Department

Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 11:00 am — Conference Room, Bldg 815E

Clouds and their associated physical processes exert strong influences on the climate system through the couplings with dynamical, hydrological and radiative processes. Representation of cloud-related fast physics in climate models however has long been a challenging task, and primarily responsible for the large uncertainty in climate projections. The BNL's Fast-Physics System Testbed and Research (FASTER) project is tasked to develop a comprehensive cloud modeling testbed to enhance and accelerate evaluation and improvement of cloud representation in climate models. In this talk, I will go over the rationales behind the development of the testbed with a focus on the single column model (SCM) testbed. Applications of the online SCM testbed for interactive model evaluation and cloud parameterization development will also be demonstrated.

Hosted by: Ernie Lewis

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