Using LSF in Phobos on the RCAS cluster

LSF is a large, complicated batch management system, and I cannot describe it completely here. The RCF maintains documentation on the system as a whole, and you are encouraged to read it to discover LSF's subtleties. However, for the beginner, a few basics are listed here.

#Do phobos standard setup. 
#Any setenv path commands should have '$path' in them,
#so as not to over-write the path set automatically by RCF at login
eval `/phobos/common/bin/phobos_setup tcsh`
eval `/phobos/common/bin/phobos_alias tcsh`
#Use my own version of phat
setphat $HOME/Phat

# Run phat
phat my_script(some parameters)
rcas4001> bsub my_jobfile -o outfile.log -e outfile.err

Specific queue details

(User job limit, time limit (in CPU-hours, not actual hours), and job priority)
Queue Notes:
Fancy job scripts

This page is randomly maintained by M.B. Tonjes