Repository of all Assembly mappings

July 15, 1998

   A Significant overhaul of the whole database structure has taken place! We have now incorporated the PHAT naming conventions for the PHOBOS sensors into the scheme of linking up (FEC,STRING,CHANNEL) to (SENSOR,ROW,COL). The following links are now updated and contain the latest output from the database:


1. Notes on Column Headings and other Conventions.

Channelwise Maps of  FEC to Sensor....

2. Spectrometer: FEC 0-15 ASCII File- (May 26/98) ~3.8 MB


3. Octagon: FEC 32-35 ASCII File-   (July 15/98) (New: Rib positions C,G have 'displaced' missing sensors - this is corrected for. The Row and Col are interchanged from what they were before to have a common protocol for all Sensor Types.) ~ ~0.8 MB --Special Note: In this map, the "missing" Sensors of the Octagon Planes A,C,E,G are called "XXXX?"  - These are to be ignored! Refer to the Notes link above for further details.


4. Vertex: FEC 36-37 ASCII File- (June 21/98) Please refer to these Notes for special assumptions made about the Readout of the Vertex Detectors.

5.Rings: FEC 36-37 ASCII File (sic!) (August 17/98) Baker's Ring mockup, which has the wrong FEC numbers.


5."SPECTROMETER: Chip Wise mapping of (Fec,String) to (Sensor_Type, Bond_pat)".-for debugging purposes only. (May 26/98). Contains FEC# 0 through 15 (spectrometer negative arm) only. The Column headings in this table are :

FEC_ID | FEC_STRING | GEO_SENSOR | BOND_PAT  | sensor_type | module_type | wurst_read_pos | wurst_id | chip_type | position flag | sensor_position | hybrid_position

6. "OCTAGON: Chip Wise mapping of (Fec,String) to (Sensor_Type, Bond_pat)".-for debugging purposes only. (Jun 19/98). Contains FEC# 32 through 35 (Octagon) only. The Column headings in this table are the same as above.

7. "VERTEX: Chip Wise mapping of (Fec,String) to (Sensor_Type, Bond_pat)".-for debugging purposes only. (Jun 21/98). Contains FEC# 36 and 37 (Outer and Inner Vertex) only. The Column headings in this table are the same as above.