Office of Educational Programs Event

"Science Thursdays with Brookhaven Lab"

Justine Haupt

Thursday, January 20, 2022, 4:00 pm — Videoconference / Virtual Event (see link below)

Space Engineering: Tools for Cosmology
Building instruments to observe the universe

Justine Haupt is an instrument developer at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Instrumentation Division and was a primarily contributor to the sensor development effort for the Vera Rubin Observatory. She's co-principal investigator for a project entitled "Free Space Optical Link for Entangled Photon Distribution Over Long Distances", and an ongoing contributor a 4-dish 21cm cosmology demonstrator radio telescope (the Baryon Mapping Experiment). Her competencies span optical, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Justine sits on the board of directors of the Custer Observatory in Southold, NY where she serves as the radio astronomy chair and is actively engaged in astronomy and STEM outreach. She is the owner of Sky's Edge, an open-source technology company. Justine was named the 2014 Rising Engineering Star by Mouser Electronics and Design News Magazine.

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