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IMPORTANT NOTICE: While the Nuclear Chemistry Summer School (NCSS) consists primarily of university-level courses, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is not a college or university. BNL is a workplace in a secure federal facility with strict and inflexible policies and practices for safety and control. Furthermore, NCSS is a pair of semester long courses compressed into six intense weeks. Therefore, traditional policies, practices, and accommodations at colleges and universities may not apply to NCSS at BNL. Participants in good standing may continue in the program at the sole discretion of the Program Director.
Anything that interrupts the safe and normal operations of BNL and/or has a negative impact on the NCSS program may constitute a loss of good standing and is grounds for immediate dismissal. This determination is made by the Program Director, in consultation with appropriate stakeholders, and is NOT subject to appeal. Participants will be required to sign an agreement to this effect. If individuals cannot agree to these conditions, they cannot participate in NCSS at BNL.
The Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society sponsors and administers the summer schools in nuclear and radiochemistry which are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Selected students are awarded fellowships that include a $4,000 stipend and 6 college credits at Stony Brook University (SUNY at Stony Brook) for completing a lecture and laboratory course.
Students participating in the six week summer program at Brookhaven National Laboratory will have the opportunity to visit nuclear-related and radiochemistry facilities, attend a guest lecture series, and interact with leaders of nuclear science in academics, medicine, industry, government, and the (nuclear) Navy.
The summer school program was founded as an educational outreach and workforce development activity to prime the pipeline at the undergraduate level in order to promote strategic expertise in nuclear science and provide trained personnel to meet national needs in nuclear research, the nuclear power industry, and nuclear medicine. Twelve students are chosen for each of the two sites. Brookhaven National Laboratory and its sister site, San Jose State University are proud to host these programs, and encourage you to apply.
Course Information
- CHE-361: Nuclear Chemistry Lecture Course
- Che-362: Nuclear Chemistry Laboratory Course
- Summer School Policies
- Required Safety Training
Need Assistance?
Forward all questions to the Program Administrative Assistant at cdavidson@bnl.gov.
The Guide to Brookhaven National Laboratory contains information about working at BNL, living on the Laboratory site and local information.
Past Participants
We would like to thank the Department of Energy, Office of Science for funding the Summer School in Nuclear and Radiochemistry.
Audience for This Program
Undergraduate students interested in nuclear sciences.
National Program Course Application
The Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is sponsoring two INTENSIVE six-week Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry for undergraduates.
Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools | NUCL-ACS
The Schools are held at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Eastern Site, Long Island, NY) and San Jose State University (Western Site, San Jose, CA). Funding is provided by the US Department of Energy.
All interested participants must complete their applications online and should apply before February 6, 2025.
Program Information
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.