Partnering with Brookhaven
Brookhaven National Lab cultivates positive and longstanding partnerships with researchers, academic institutions, industry, students, teachers and neighbors in our community.
Technology Transfer
We commercialize cutting-edge discoveries and technologies by fostering collaborations with industry through licensing and sponsored research. Brookhaven's state-of-the-art facilities are available to industry for research and development in many fields. We actively promote the formation of start-up companies around technologies developed here. We grant licenses and take equity in new ventures arising from our discoveries, and we also seek funding from investors to develop new intellectual assets as they move toward the marketplace.
Facilities Available to Researchers
Scientists from academia, government labs, and commercial institutions can choose from a wide range of research techniques and equipment. Facilities available to qualified researchers include the National Synchrotron Light Source, the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, and the NASA Space Radiation Facility.
Our Local Community
We take great pride in being part of the Long Island community. We value the relationships that our neighbors and the Lab build together. It's our policy to consider the ideas, interests and concerns of our stakeholders in program planning and decision-making processes that affect them. We know that the Laboratory's future as a world leader in science depends in great part on the trust and support of our community.
Business Vendors
We work with both small and large business vendors. Our Small Business Program serves small businesses seeking contracting opportunities with Brookhaven. We connect with responsible and reliable enterprises that can meet the needs of the Lab by offering high quality goods or services on time and at a fair price.
Students & Educators
Education programs sponsored by the Laboratory help educate and train future scientists and engineers. Over 30,000 pre-college students and teachers from the Long Island region, plus several hundred college students and faculty from all over the country, come to Brookhaven each year for programs offering hands-on science experiences and invaluable career training.