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Media & Communications Office
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Upton, NY 11973
Phone: (631) 344-2345
From First Light to the Future
October 22, 2024
NSLS-II reflects on the last decade and looks toward the years ahead as they celebrate 10 years since first light.
Great Neck South, Ward Melville Win Regional Science Bowls at Brookhaven Lab
Artificial Imagination
Fresh, Direct Evidence for Tiny Drops of Quark-Gluon Plasma
'Spooky Action' at a Very Short Distance: Scientists Map Out Quantum Entanglement in Protons
A New Era for Batteries: Argonne Leads $50M Sodium-Ion Innovation Push
Encoding Many Properties in One Material via 3D Printing
Why Your Headphone Battery Doesn't Last
Peeling Back the Layers: Exploring Capping Effects on Nickelate Superconductivity
Resource Review Board Provides Significant Updates on the US-Based Electron-Ion Collider
Mary Bishai to Deliver Distinguished Scientist Fellow Lecture, 1/14
Headphone Battery Life: Why It Falls Short
California fire particles detected on Long Island
First direct evidence of quark-gluon plasma seen in small nuclear collision
Protons: made of quarks, but ruled by gluons
Antimatter partner of hyperhelium-4 is spotted at CERN
- Newsclips are articles in the press that are either about Brookhaven or are of interest to the Brookhaven community. Posting of these articles does not imply an endorsement of their content.